It can be so hard to acknowledge what’s good and what’s bad for us in life. Growing up in the technology generation makes this only 10X harder, on the daily we are faced with how our hobbies, diet and mindset should look like. If you’re not waking up at 6am to go on a run we aren’t fit enough, if you don’t have avocado on toast for breakfast your unhealthy and if you go on that night out and don’t get drunk enough, you’re boring. These mixed messages prohibit us from finding out what we need, not only to be healthy, but to be happy.
Nevertheless, I do think that the first step to achieving balance is in your diet. I’m not saying you must have veg in every meal you eat, however changing some habits can be a step. From having takeaways 6 nights a week for tea, maybe change it to two and just on the weekend. Having smoothies for breakfast goes a long while as well, your body never under appreciates some fruit. Cutting down on foods which contain ingredients that are not good for you, rather then cutting them out all together is the way to go.
I think who you surround yourself with has a major effect on your life altogether. You need people who support your good decisions and calls you out for your bad ones. Honesty is the best policy and all that jazz. A friend who you can go out drinking with one weekend, but also stay in and chill the next is a characteristic which is necessary, you should also be that friend to someone else. The stereotype in this day and age is you can only have fun if alcohol is included. When there is so much you can do in order to have fun. Pottery painting, take up dancing/ Pilates or walking, go to the cinema… affordable and exciting, what more could you want?
Journaling is a hobby which is beyond our time, even though it is so good for our minds. Going across everything that has happened in your day is excellent for clearing your mind and preparing it for the next. In journals, you can also write daily affirmations, discussing with yourself what your goals are for the next week, next month ad next years. A positive mind goes a long way. And along that way you will see your day-to-day life change, into a balanced, healthier one.
Cut off anything and anyone who is no longer bringing you happiness. Why should we choose to bring stress, anger and negativity into our lives when it is so easy to simply let go of it. If a job is making you feel bad after the shift has ended find a new one. If that friend acts only nice to your face, then stop giving them the ability to reach you anymore. If you dread going to the gym every day, then take up a different sport. At the end of the day, when we step back and look at things, life really isn’t that deep. We are in control of our own lives, so we get to decide what happens in them.
A hobby that you love and is passionate about can be the best distraction from real life. Playing the piano, swimming and painting are things you can pick up any time in life, no matter how old you are. And they are one of the most secure things you can turn to, because that talent and that passion for the hobby hardly ever goes away. And you never know that hobby could be a talent which could always turn into a career- you never know.
These are only some of the endless ways to balance your life, but the only person who know what you need in life, is yourself. You know what foods your body likes and doesn’t like, you know how ton distract yourself from reality, you know who in your life is best for you. So, my greatest advice for you is to listen to yourself, your heart, head and gut. That’s the only way you’ll find true balance.