After growing up living on the question Edward or Jacob, I decided to trade in the films for the books.

Twilight is one of the most successful comfort films to probably ever be created. When the dark months creep in, and the sun is replaced with fog and rain the only thing that can make me feel better is twilight, it doesn’t matter which one, just twilight.
Written by Stephanie Meyer, the first book was written in 2005, followed by the film being released in 2008. Focusing on the forbidden but relentless love between girl and vampire, Meyer portrayed a twistingly romantic story which the nation- and then whole world- fell head over heels for. The film turned into a major motion picture, and from there it was unstoppable. But of course, the books always tells the story a lot better than films.
My first thought whilst reading, was because there were no actors in the book. I can create my own in my head. The undeniable awkwardness is one of the many reasons we all love the film, however through the books you don’t finds any awkward moments or lines. Allowing the perfect flow to the story line, and the perfect romance to witness blossom.
Next, the books differ greatly from the dramatic vampire reveal scene in the film. Catherine Hardwick (director) executes the rising tension between Bella and Edward as she demands to know the meaning behind his ‘pale white and ice-cold skin’ and ‘impossibly fast and strong’. However, in the book, it is much different. The infamous scene where Bella is harassed by a group of men and Edward saves the day, it is more a conversation then an argument. So, we have a restrained rendition and frankly the opposite, take your pick.
Alices backstory, alone, should have its own book dedicated to it. The first book depicts Alices tragic tale into vampirism, since childhood she could have visions of the future, and after her mother was murdered and her father threatened her, she was forced to leave home, only to be thrown into a mental asylum. Whilst in the asylum, James made his appearance (the antagonist on twilight) and he began tracking Alice, her vampire friend turned Alice into a vampire for her only chance at survival. James revealed this to Bella at the end of twilight, adding depth to her flawless character.
Whilst on the subject of Edwards family, the unfathomable Cullens on first impressions seem reserved and entitled are one of the most interesting and gripping characteristics of the story. Each one of them have their heart-breaking and intoxicating backgrounds from human to vampires. And the first book is merely a teaser into each one of them. Towards the end of the first book, we gradually learn a little or a lot about each character. I think the books enhances each one of the characters so much greater in a deeper and lively way, differing from their deadly characters.
In the books, we are robbed of Bellas and Jacobs friendship which blossoms in the film. There are scenes of them together laughing ands joking, however only a couple scenes show in the book. One their meeting, another with Bily and one more at the prom (those are the only ones I remember), therefore it doesn’t seem like they are that close at all. Whilst I love the boom, I think this is one aspect in which the film outdoes it. The relationship between Bella and Jacob created one of the strongest storylines within twilight, Edward, or Jacob? Thye rival each other in want of Bella, whilst Jacob did Appear to have a crush on our female protagonist, it never seemed to be developed.
The whole story occurs within around 5 days once Bella discovers Edward is a vampire. Thye go to a meadow, then she meets his family, in the same day they go to the baseball field, where James finds them and then the whole story unravellers. I think the films portrays it to happen in a much longer spam of time. However, it all actually happens really fast. Mind blown.
Finally, I just think the books are so mesmerizing, I resist to put it down. The humour and romance works so well with each other it creates the fantasy. Granted it’s a fantasy created by a 14-year-old, but I think that’s the whole point. It’s the perfect story, drama, love, laughter. The books have it all.
Overall, thoroughly enjoyed reading twilight and I know you will too, especially if you are already a fan of the films. You notice so many more things that you don’t when watching the movie. So give it a read, and ‘fang’ me later.